Subaru Australia supports the Australian road safety foundation to urge road users to stay vigilant

Christmas should be a time of love and laughter, not loss of life, but tragically it’s one of the most dangerous times on the road. Sadly, 200 lives were lost on Australian roads over the last Christmas period from December 2021 to January 2022, which is a 4.7 per cent increase on the year prior*.

As a proud partner of the Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF), each year Subaru Australia support the ARSF’s Christmas Road Safety campaign to help educate and urge road users to take extra care over the holiday period.

This Christmas, Subaru Australia will support the ARSF’s ‘Make it Home for Christmas’ road safety campaign, helping spread awareness of the responsibility every road user has to make the roads safe this holiday season. Subaru Australia are also expanding their support by activating this campaign in Subaru retailers across the country.

Subaru Team at Christmas
Subaru Team at Christmas

Throughout the month of December, Subaru retailers across Australia will have an artificial Christmas tree on display in their showroom. Each participating Subaru retailer will be provided yellow star ornaments which can be used for retail staff and customers to sign and pledge their promise to actively participate in road safety this Christmas. Moreover, all Subaru retail staff will be encouraged to wear ‘choose road safety’ lapel pins during this campaign period.

Subaru Australia’s Managing Director, Blair Read, said: “We’re incredibly proud to support our partner, the ARSF, to encourage all road users to think of the responsibility they hold as road users over the busy holiday season.

“Road safety is vitally important to Subaru; this is evident by the core safety pillars that underpin every Subaru vehicle built. However, safe vehicles alone will not eliminate road fatalities and injuries, it will take a combined effort. Every Australian has a key part to play in keeping each other safe whilst on the road – whether you are on foot, two wheels or four.

“We encourage all Australians to take the pledge to choose road safety this Christmas by taking responsibility for ourselves and others, obeying the road rules and being a safe road user.”

Road safety is incredibly important to Subaru, it’s why each Subaru vehicle is engineered with advanced safety technology across four key pillars – primary, activity, preventative and protective safety – and why Subaru Corporation in Japan have committed to working towards zero fatal accidents in a Subaru vehicle by the year 2030†. It’s also why Subaru Australia have established a long-term partnership with the ARSF – to help raise greater awareness about road safety and advocate for changed behaviour on the roads.

* Data sourced from Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communication, BITRE Road Deaths.

† Subaru Corporation (the Japanese manufacturer of Subaru cars) has publicly stated its aim to reduce the number of fatal accidents in a Subaru vehicle to zero by 2030 as well as the number of fatalities among pedestrians, cyclists and the like as a result of a collision with a Subaru vehicle. For more information on Subaru Corporation’s CSR initiatives visit